

if we think there is a risk we have the right

be careful where you go because even in a big city you can be in a cult . you find out in life there are lot of cults and if they dont end in dramas you never know . some of them are big time and run the radio . some of them are hippie groups . some involved with drugs but in the city a lot involved with getting of them (sobriety) . be careful what they make you think with or without telling you . 

menke mission sstarted holding meetings out of custis community after lifehope west on irion kicked them out of their space . they were using lifehope basement room three times weekly during afternoon evening hours for adolescent and adult meetings . lifehope moved to westminster ave and is now called walk of grace since . it was not mutual agreement lifehope did not want to be associated with menke mission meetings after a falling out with c. and lovelady menke . 

after moved to custis community church on custis street late 1989 and went wild pushing their limits with the church that did not care about what the menke mission was actually doing there . within a couple years they were using the building every week day night . my cousin started going in 1992. they moved out of a church and started renting space in 1994 . the connected white building (used to have a sign called woolards but that was just a space sign). this building is where i started . theyre still in this building as writing this . .

the top two floors rented by menke group . no meetings include adolescents anymore since late nineties . they get people as soon as they turn eighteen tho . people who have gone to other sobiety groups like twelve steps out of salvation army building and then go to menke usually dont stick . they can feel the difference in intensity . the intensity is high at the very beginning . a lot of young adults eighteen to twenty become hooked on the intensity as alternative to substance .



runs menke far away out of the city . in a completely different holiday place . used to be in the building all the time and barely left . she wears super gawdy clothes and make up and talks super loud . shes known to just get in peoples faces and scream at them if she thinks theyre wrong . thinks anyone who doesnt agree with her is wrong . she will scream at regular people she doesnt know as long as the setting is closed in a meeting .



the last menke retreat was summer of 1999 . ever since they stopped they never mentioned the retreat again . ran it eight years starting in summer 1992 skipping summer 1995 . they would go to camp spot used by churches . it was a shit show that repeated every year because usually every year the joining members were all new . there were almost none returning members to retreats . 

my cousin amber went summer 1997 and during that year . she had been going to menke for years at this point and all of her friends were people who went to the meetings at this time . at the time she went i had gone a few times over a year or more and her brother went for years during that time too before he got arrested for drug stuff and went to prison sadly . some people had their entire families who went . 

the retreat was something attendants paid to go to . amber paid like five hundred bucks which was a lot . more than a year of savings . during the retreat there were two different meals which led to mass food poisoning . the actual activities themselves were intense trance meditation and lead to half a dozen people passing out during or shortly after hours long rituals basically in a hot room . amber also says she knew about three differnt groups of ppl were sneaking into the open night to do different drugs .

there were worse stories from other years that never heard first hand . injuries some gruseome from different things and heat stroke from the sun and outdoors . the year before amber a woman died from a blood clot in her sleep during one of the last days . and they never told anyone until later . when people returned to meetings after retreat and they found out she died during the retreat they went with her to . leaders found her and chose to keep in quiet .  strange against the phony openness closeness .

theres also a story about how two women went missing from the retreat and it might be part true . thats the main story but what happened in 1999 two women left the retreat during the third day in the car they came in and stayed at a motel in neary . one of the women left the motel and to stay with someone else in neary for one night and when she went back to the motel her friend was gone . so when the retreat ended she drove back from neary without her thinking she went back . and she never had and has not been around since . thats the part of the story i have collected from hearing . 

that was the last retreat year . people started spreading that two people went missing from the retreat . especially because the other woman who left the retreat was done with menke after that so no one knew the full story . but with y2k they never went back or even acknowledge they were not doing retreats anymore . just went silent as typical . stalin tactics .


c . menke

wrote books on drugs and withdrawal and got into cult christianity . had a church and made a bunch of rambling tapes about christianity . then got in tax fraud trouble related to all the crap he was selling . then he just abandoned that gig and focused on spreading his crap to recovering drug addicts . strange choice . he died in 1997 .
