it should hurt

this was where id been before , invited . now dogs are out front barking . the shortest leash belongs to me . tied to an anchored steel pole . anticipating my angst .
he stood in the doorway behind a screen crooked on its hinges . anger , his face outlined in black . walked through the featherlite door . to be in the same air . he said , you , stay away . ill sic the dogs .
hatred on his face , im used to it . seen it glued to the public . from the world , for both of us . once i let my guard down , im already dead . i see your face for what it is . you have four faces . love is not weakness . i dont believe . he would never let them eat me up .
cant give an inch . he lunches , spits . dogs , snarling .
i stopped moving . arms at side and lungs , cycling . this was a half filled page .
what are you afraid of ?
he hopped off the bare plank porch to mud and grass sprouts , tall . determined . his hands whipped the chain leash off the pole to let them both go , twin dogs , four fangs , two storms .
oh my death , the teeth are showing for me . if i didnt live in a dream , i would have run . first dog hops the four foot chain link , nothing to them . now they think theyre free . but mans will still determines .
fly my fists , spin around . first dog bites down on my arm , above my wrist , right side . the teeth slide in jagged razors . force beyond my power , jaws crushing my bones , knives stinging , the tear of tendons . second set of teeth in my leg , the back . felt my flesh gouged out . one swoop . and again just below it , but locked on . my other arm was in the air , waving for god , who sent them .
the trap retracts , pulled to hell by hounds , to gravel . dragged to silver trash cans splashed with mud . my arm in the jaws throbbing , burning . in hell , growls and demon noises . ringing of wounds . still .. im not afraid of dogs .