[tarot calendar]

[december 2005]
(23) prince of wands
(24) the sun
(25) the hermit
(26) the lovers
(27) 4 wands
(28) 4 wands
(29) the magus
(30) the empress
(31) prince of wands

[january 2006]
(1) the aeon
(2) the moon
(3) the fool
(4) art
(5) 2 disks
(6) 2 cups
(7) 2 cups
(8) 7 swords
(9) 4 wands
(10) 9 cups
(11) the star
(12) 6 wands
(13) prince of cups
(14) 4 swords
(15) the star
(16) 5 disks
(17) the aeon
(18) 5 swords
(19) princess of wands
(20) princess of wands
(21) queen of disks
(22) prince of swords
(23) fortune
(24) knight of swords
(25) 2 swords
(26) ace of wands
(27) queen of disks
(28) knight of cups
(29) the star
(30) 4 of wands
(31) princess of cups

[february 2006]
(1) lust
(2) the tower
(3) queen of disks
(4) 4 swords
(5) the moon
(6) princess of wands
(7) fortune
(8) princess of cups
(9) prince of swords
(10) princess of disks
(11) 6 disks
(12) the hanged man
(13) princess of wands
(14) 6 wands
(15) the star
(16) 4 cups
(17) princess of cups
(18) the priestess
(19) the priestess
(20) 8 wands
(21) prince of disks
(22) the universe
(23) 5 disks
(24) 7 wands
(25) queen of swords
(26) queen of cups
(27) lust
(28) the hanged man

[march 2006]
(1) 10 cups
(2) the hanged man
(3) the fool
(4) princess of disks
(5) prince of disks
(6) 9 cups
(7) the star
(8) princess of wands
(9) the aeon
(10) the magus
(11) ace of cups
(12) the devil
(13) the hanged man
(14) prince of wands
(15) the star
(16) knight of wands
(17) the hanged man
(18) prince of disks
(19) 7 swords
(20) the magus
(21) 8 wands
(22) fortune
(23) the hanged man
(24) fortune
(25) prince of wands
(26) the star
(27) 5 wands
(28) 5 cups
(29) the hierophant
(30) ace of cups
(31) the star

[april 2006]
(1) princess of cups
(2) the lovers
(3) the aeon
(4) fortune
(5) princess of disks
(6) the hermit
(7) the star
(8) 2 swords
(9) 10 wands
(10) the moon
(11) art
(12) 7 wands
(13) princess of wands
(14) the aeon
(15) princess of cups
(16) the empress
(17) knight of wands
(18) 10 disks
(19) adjustment
(20) the devil
(21) the hermit
(22) 10 disks
(23) the devil
(24) 2 disks
(25) the devil
(26) the empress
(27) 5 wands
(28) 4 wands
(29) 10 wands
(30) the chariot

[may 2006]
(1) the universe
(2) death
(3) the aeon
(4) 9 swords
(5) 7 wands
(6) the emperor
(7) 8 swords
(8) 9 cups
(9) 2 cups
(10) the hermit
(11) the empress
(12) the moon
(13) art
(14) the lovers
(15) 6 wands
(16) 4 swords
(17) the magus
(18) the fool
(19) the magus
(20) the star
(21) ace of disks
(22) queen of wands
(23) the emperor
(24) the aeon
(25) lust
(26) the fool
(27) the aeon
(28) prince of disks
(29) 10 wands
(30) princess of disks
(31) fortune

[june 2006]
(1) 9 wands
(2) the fool
(3) lust
(4) the hanged man
(5) fortune
(6) art
(7) 7 swords
(8) the tower
(9) 10 swords
(10) the hierophant
(11) art
(12) 3 swords
(13) 4 disks
(14) the hermit
(15) the star
(16) 2 cups
(17) 4 swords
(18) the sun
(19) the devil
(20) the empress
(21) the hanged man
(22) the hanged man
(23) the hierophant
(24) the emperor
(25) the hermit
(26) death
(27) the devil
(28) 4 wands
(29) the star
(30) queen of wands

[july 2006]
(1) princess of wands
(2) princess of wands
(3) 6 swords
(4) the hermit
(5) 3 disks
(6) the fool
(7) the hermit
(8) the emperor
(9) 6 sword
(10) the devil
(11) the empress
(12) the devil
(13) 3 wands
(14) ace of swords
(15) 8 swords
(16) the hermit
(17) the lovers
(18) princess of wands
(19) the emperor
(20) 4 wands
(21) queen of swords
(22) 5 cups
(23) knight of wands
(24) 6 swords
(25) the hanged man
(26) 10 wands
(27) 6 wands
(28) queen of wands
(29) the fool
(30) lust
(31) 6 wands

[august 2006]
(1) 3 cups
(2) the fool
(3) the chariot
(4) the empress
(5) the star
(6) the fool
(7) the tower
(8) 8 swords
(9) death
(10) princess of wands
(11) prince of swords
(12) the star
(13) the priestess
(14) 2 wands
(15) 7 disks
(16) prince of disks
(17) princess of swords
(18) 7 disks
(19) 8 cups
(20) the devil
(21) princess of cups
(22) 5 wands
(23) princess of wands
(24) 3 disks
(25) 7 swords
(26) 10 disks
(27) adjustment
(28) 7 wands
(29) princess of disks
(30) the magus
(31) art

[september 2006]
(1) death
(2) prince of swords
(3) the lovers
(4) the hierophant
(5) princess of wands
(6) queen of wands
(7) the chariot
(8) the hermit
(9) the emperor
(10) 3 swords
(11) ace of disks
(12) the hierophant
(13) ace of cups
(14) art
(15) princess of disks
(16) the devil
(17) 2 wands
(18) the hierophant
(19) princess of disks
(20) the magus
(21) queen of wands
(22) queen of disks
(23) knight of swords
(24) the hanged man
(25) 5 swords
(26) the lovers
(27) knight of disks
(28) prince of wands
(29) the moon
(30) knight of disks

[october 2006]
(1) the hermit
(2) prince of wands
(3) 9 wands
(4) the hierophant
(5) the hermit
(6) the lovers
(7) 4 cups
(8) 5 wands
(9) queen of disks
(10) the empress
(11) ace of swords
(12) the moon
(13) the magus
(14) the fool
(15) adjustment
(16) the devil
(17) the hanged man
(18) the hanged man
(19) 10 wands
(20) 5 cups
(21) 8 swords
(22) the lovers
(23) the magus
(24) 3 wands
(25) the devil
(26) the universe
(27) the devil
(28) 6 swords
(29) the fool
(30) lust
(31) the moon

[november 2006]
(1) lust
(2) 8 wands
(3) the hierophant
(4) the tower
(5) adjustment
(6) knight of disks
(7) the hierophant
(8) the star
(9) art
(10) knight of disks
(11) death
(12) 6 wands
(13) the sun
(14) the priestess
(15) queen of wands
(16) the lovers
(17) the star
(18) the universe
(19) the magus
(20) adjustment
(21) 10 wands
(22) princess of swords
(23) 4 wands
(24) princess of wands
(25) princess of wands
(26) 7 disks
(27) 2 swords
(28) 9 wands
(29) 10 wands
(30) the moon

[december 2006]
(1) queen of swords
(2) princess of cups
(3) the magus
(4) ace of cups
(5) the hanged man
(6) the hermit
(7) princess of cups
(8) the devil
(9) 10 wands
(10) ace of cups
(11) the hermit
(12) 5 wands
(13) princess of wands
(14) 3 disks
(15) princess of wands
(16) the priestess
(17) 9 wands
(18) the devil
(19) 6 wands
(20) knight of wands
(21) the priestess
(22) the fool
(23) the fool
(24) princess of disks
(25) death
(26) the universe
(27) the universe
(28) the devil
(29) the devil
(30) nine of disks
(31) knight of swords

[january 2007]
(1) fortune
(2) art
(3) the fool
(4) 7 wands
(5) fortune
(6) 4 disks
(7) the tower
(8) art
(9) 6 swords
(10) the devil
(11) the hierophant
(12) princess of disks
(13) 9 disks
(14) 7 wands
(15) the chariot
(16) the empress
(17) the priestess
(18) lust
(19) 9 disks
(20) death
(21) the aeon
(22) the priestess
(23) the emperor
(24) lust
(25) the universe
(26) death
(27) the emperor
(28) ace of swords
(29) 10 cups
(30) 10 disks
(31) the hierophant

[february 2007]
(1) knight of swords
(2) 9 cups
(3) the star
(4) 3 wands
(5) the tower
(6) the aeon
(7) the star
(8) 8 wands
(9) princess of wands
(10) art
(11) the chariot
(12) the sun
(13) 8 swords
(14) queen of wands
(15) the hermit
(16) ace of swords
(17) death
(18) the moon
(19) fortune
(20) the fool
(21) the hierophant
(22) the moon
(23) queen of wands
(24) 6 disks
(25) death
(26) 8 cups
(27) the chariot
(28) the devil
(29) the devil

[march 2007]
(1) the sun
(2) fortune
(3) the priestess
(4) the hermit
(5) the emporer
(6) the lovers
(7) 9 swords
(8) 5 wands
(9) the hermit
(10) ace of swords
(11) the chariot
(12) the lovers
(13) 3 swords
(14) 5 disks
(15) the magus
(16) queen of wands
(17) the hanged man
(18) 10 cups
(19) the tower
(20) the hierophant
(21) prince of swords
(22) queen of wands
(23) the universe
(24) adjustment
(25) 3 cups
(26) death
(27) the tower
(28) the magus
(29) 6 wands
(30) art
(31) the star

[march 2007]
(1) adjustment
(2) ace of disks
(3) 3 disks
(4) 10 wands
(5) 6 wands
(6) queen of disks
(7) knight of wands
(8) the moon
(9) 6 wands
(10) the fool
(11) the moon
(12) knight of wands
(13) 9 swords
(14) 6 wands
(15) the lovers
(16) the hierophant
(17) death
(18) queen of wands
(19) fortune