worshipping the devill

wishh you cudd seee watt im lookinng att ..,. dragg mee . triedd 2 cutt off somme heaairr cutt twoo peiicess ... noww twoo shortt peiccess on topp ...,. the resst latterr . . . maybbe sommeonen 

imm so emmpttyy ... sigills on my robbe hellp mee . satanns worrldd i amm sattamns sl;aavee in thisis lonng life off sufferrinng . i cann lauughh at my torrturee :D i enjooy thaa vissionns commfortt frumm the magickk symbolls siggns on thaa raddio etcc . thannk youu sattan forr my eyees forr youurr siggnss . thnkks youu forr all youuvee takkenn frumm my liffe . 

satann commanndss i drinnk da saandooz aggainn :D ... assss plannedd befforee watt sommethiingg gonne . behhinnd mee . neww enlightmennent abt walkking awayy lettinng thinng becomme parrt of the walls . my walls aree buillding up withh manny thinngs i onnce hadd . many bookss . buttt if i readd one worrd ivee donne good .