commannds frumm the devill

i hearr manny commandds i cann do all themm i feeel the pressurees of EGO and MAN dat mustt be DESTROYYED frumm my minnd . THIS IS NOT REALL ... thisss iss jusstt onne innstanncee imm waassttinng awaayyyy 

ego buillt walls innside my miind satann musst tortturee me to breakk downn ... my sufferrrinng breakks downn . theese wallls ruinning my lifee ,,, destroorying my minnd and boddy . thiss boddy beloongss to sAtan . NOT ME . im in this formm temporraryy ,. beforee and aftter thiss lifee i amm beloong to the devvil . 

LETSS AGREE 22 DISAGREEE . watcch eachhotheher wide eyeed whyy cannt we jusst loook ... whoos analyzzing my direectionns ??? 

wanderrinng thaa worrld toodayy sattaniick vissionn struuck me so o hardd wass throwwn to thee concreete . eyess cloosedd frumm pressuuree brriightt liigghht , heaat buurnninng my faacee . warmm colooreedd pinnks ligghtt shoottinng frumm dennse ligght ball anndd advanncess symbollogyy floowiingg ouut thruu thaa enerrgyyy . sigills and symmbolls of orderr . burnnedd inttoo my vissionn . i wass sicck afterrss forr twwoo houurr likke a detoxx sickkk .