doggy love

nonnys basement so low even with the tigers out there somewhere further than the dark line . nightmares go there . nonnys basement closer , further . down double railed stairs with step carpet grey a green rug ovalar snaggy frills on edge . theres a facing chair wood wicker darker than the panels . a sign like bars stripes . an emblem . nonnys basement supernature . two bed rooms a bathroom and a closet . darker than the tiger eyes . they never got me cause i was looking for tigers even when the city . they are a distraction from the blood bathe . i was aware . standing many moments looking down the basement stairs . is there another ?

months ago with snow . i saw the glimpse a psychedelic flash . was myself in the snow before me .  with the street shoplined and exhibition windows . they are part of our art . was supposed to be someone who did not see what i saw . was supposed to be someone implicit .. unwritten .. long after the devil put me on the torture rack ..

but the wood you have not seen the darker dark . the devil my master . the psychedelic answer . now a slave ive been unshackled . now machine below my feet . the tigers i was born apart from . the tigers i was doomed to become .

nonnys back bed room . zodiac light . something predo . masters voice . i saw the talc demon i shook up . grab something pointie . crucial to the hermit karma . when i was young hopeful i was older from the toxins . the demon says you have a heart to hear . now there will be no silence . a secret torture for the damned . the doom i know , was schooled in . symbols made of sticks and rocks and twine of grass out there where tigers roam in satans land . the demon said to smile while i still can . and laugh the devils next . i was so hopeful as a man just to become an oj glass . well all the acid in me claims it . dont mix it with good mushrooms .

my first june nonny said dont worry about tha light flashes . there is the nuclear airbase over . we are not alone here . but even their house . many dimensions come together . frum ive watched the sky so long in the long days in the morning there are many airplanes far away up and down . in july one fell from the sky . straight down so out there .

at night in autumn i was a slave following my masters voice . this place far away from the machine and man i was exposed to the interdimensional elements . long grass and crickets . night birds and creatures walking slowly . no lights from no streets country dark . all long night nonny nonno some nights lusi asleep all long night . but come three AM is satans time until before five AM . when the pressure drops and wind will come or go . then i have heard chains swinging from the condemned and sticks popping surround house . in satans time . sounds of ghosts or what you call them ..

down stairs the back room i came to humid summer afternoon down the steps and oval rug where it was cooler ten degrees . the room unlit stand up fan facing pink sheets yellow flowers indicating with their color my next move my majestys command . i am kneeling crawling and jam under this dark dark brown wood glossy holding up two mattress . the carpet grey and soft but scratches from the drag are satans marks . i am his slave . his will my will .

orange and yellow light pour out from a slip in panels so bright almost blind . but closer it was warm like window sun . closer and it came clear the image through the other room . between this space the wood wall panels a slip in space and this warm orange yellow light pouring from another room . the bottom of a room with feet sitting on stools . green carpet and checkered linoleum curve break between . i can see from tiny slip . but i know if i go away it will go away the link lost . im right and dragged away commands of master . rats under there biting my ears and face always when i look away . ow ! nip my bare arms and ankles . the rats are biting me ! i seem to want to make my own mistakes . the devil tells me change your ways ! the place is gone im robbed again just one turn a koleidescope . circling inside another never the same each time . moved by devils command .