psychedelic cycle

psychedelic cycle  astrally unparalysed  bodes well? when youre my age in acid years ...  this very acid year :  september  the empress  love trust growth touch merging  smile ! egos shrink in acid  october  the priestess  intuitive perception spiritual wisdom  divine heartbeat strange enough  december  the devil  perception of the true complete self lucifer  recorded in a candy cave  january  death  making room for the new  his vision from any master  february  art  the proper measure harmony  wander to peace and unity  march  lust  strength power vitality  island of dirty socks  april  the emperor  creativity objectivity perception  lyrical and very lonely  may  the star  creative hope  dont miss the bubble party  june  the lovers  free decision from depths of heart  royal psychedelic yesterday
psychedelic circle  july  the magus  activity strength of will vital energy  weathermen in a dream  august  the hermit  wisdom enlightenment emotional maturity  trash is fantastic !  the house we had to hide in  domestic seclusion  where do they come up with the stuff they wanna teach kids ?  dear satan i promise to have psychedelic drugs in my system for the glory of satan respecting and abiding by no mans rules only the psychedelic truth satan .  LSD will save your soul  bad trips are good trips  good trips are great trips