natural dye from plants

color dye from plants
navajo and hopi

alder. the bark boiled with that of mountain mahogany made the fast reddish browns found on old navajo blankets


rabbitbrush. a common plant in many parts of arizona and california the yellow flowers made the lemon colored dyes used by the navajo weavers



sumac is exceptionally rich in tannin and forms an essential ingredient in the black dye of the navajo

pinon pine. the gum beated with yellow ocher makes the other essential ingredient of the navajo black

mountain mahogany. the bark rich in a peculiar  dyestuff makes interesting shades of red on wool and cotton
ho-ho-it-si. a cousin to the coreopsis the flowers make an orange red baseket dye used by the hopi

elderberry plant common in many places was used by the indians of southern california to make a fast black for basket splints

krameria or ratany a treacherous and thorny bush whose roots made a yellow dye for the papgos wild in many parts of southern arizona

caniagre or wild rhubarb a kind of dock is native to arizona the roots make an orange yellow dye for cotton and wool red on leather