rabbits .. rabbits .. everywhere !

noo onne cudd get theeirr storry str8 so i lefft themm t the elementts of SATANSS PLANNE ....,. wlked awayy frumm thaa mountainns ... FREEDOO ..,. whyy mee ...,. CUTT CUT CUTTT !!!! wilde worldee of thiss mann for fivee yearrs lesss thann fivee ... do i knoow anyy moree ..,. in hell .!.. lett me go ONE MINUTTE ...,. 

listenn upp ^^^ forr the commandds .. i amm his dogg ... imm  satanns slavve ...,,.  i listtenn to hiss demmandds and i havve no choiice i havve no thouught no egoo .. NO MORRE EGO .. he hass to keep mentionningg ... if i sufferrr moree i will cutt my stomamche outt of my bodyy liquid mercury ,,,.
