
   16 years 
1983 - 1999

better grab it fast !

the printers inc  311 south 8th street  bismarck north dakota

the printers inc  tel 701-255-3422  while you were out  to  date  time  caller  company  phone  telephoned  please call  wants to see you  will call again  urgent  message  16 years 1983 - 1999 history quality tradition  compliments of the printers inc 311 south 8th street  bismarck north dakota

jesus is lord bookmark 1973 made in USA by antioch bookplate co design no H-66

important  dayrunner  important  go to www.dayrunner.com or return this card to register !  17P  thank uou for choosing day runner . your information will help us understand our customers and design new products . plus ! a drawing will be held every three months from registration submissions recieved . the winner will be contacted and fiven the opportunity to receive the day runner product of their choice . (offer void in canada and where prohibited by law . the odds of winning depend on the numbers of participants .)  1  mr.  mrs.  ms.  miss  first name  initial  last name  address (number and street)  apt #  city  state  zip code  2  date fof your birth  MO  day  year  3  home telephone number  D  4  e-mail address (example : KAIMATHI@AOL.COM) (for receiving news from our website www.dayrunner.com) :  5  UPC number (last 6 digits of the UPC bar code located on the product package or inside note pad)  0 8 9 1 3 8  6  or the product ID number (please refer to the inside of the product cover , if available)  7  date of purchase  MO  day  year  8  name of store where purchased  9  what best describes your occupation  1 home / small business owner (less than 10 employees)  2 upper manage,emt / executive  3 middle management  4 homemaker  5 teacher / administrator  6 student  7 nusrse / health care worker  8 sales representative  9 engineer / technican  10 retail / restaurant worker  11 goverment / military  10  what product(s) are you replacing with your day runner organizer ?  1 none ( new user )  2 previous day runner  3 franklin day planner  4 day-timer R planner  5 filofax R  6 electric organizer  7 rolodex R rotary card file  8 desk calendar  9 month / week-at-a-glance R  10 telephone / address book  11 organizing software  12 other  11  who purchased your day runner organizer  1 self  2 family / friend  3 company  12  if a self-purchase , check two (2) top reasons you chose day runner :  1 wide selection of books  2 wide selection of refills  3 quality  4 cover design &/or material  5 contents (pages and tabs)  6 brand name reputation  7 price  13  did you buy a separate dated calendar with your organizer  1 yes  2 no  14  how many refills (exluding calendars) did you buy with your organizer ?  1 none  2 1-2  3 3-4  4 5 or more  15 which group best describes your family income :  1 under $15000  2 $15000-$24999  3 $25000-$34999  4 $35000-$49999  5 $50000-$74999  6 $75000-$99999  7$100000-$149999  8 over $150000  16 education (please check category that applies) :  1 high school  2 some college  3 completed college  4 graduate school  17 excluding yourself what are the ages of the other people living in your household ?  male  female  18 marital status ?  1 married  2 single  19 do you own a PC ?  1 yes  2 no  20  which of the following do you use :  1 cellular phone  2 pager  3 electronic organizer  3 PDA (such as palm pilot , windows CE product)  4 wireless internet access  21  do you use a software program to manage your schedule and contacts ?  1 yes  2 no  if yes , which one ?  22  in the last six months have you or your spouse :  1 purchased clothes through the mail ?  2 purchased gifts through the mail ?  3 worked in your garden ?  4 traveled on vacation ?  5 purchased a PC or PC software ?  6 purchased a book / novel ?  7 purchased tapes / CDs ?  8 purchased product through the internet ?  9 donated to wildlife / environmental funds ?  10 donated to charities ?  thank you ! please check here (  ) if you do not want to recieve offers on products and services from day runner or other companies . C 2000 day runner inc . all rights reserved 2750 west moore ave ., fullerton CA 92833 . attention UK users : register online or send registration cards to : day runner , filofax ltd ., PO box 2263 , rathbone place , london W1  63096