torment of this life satans slave

satan my provider my only master provider of the psychedelic cure . he cures the toxic sickness the acid lense . i need to find the mans key to sleep but the machine grinding teeth im not a fool again . evil doc shaw will be in mind because of what hes done . my master the devil my only master the devil above the machine ! there is no teeth i wont go through the devil my master satan satans slave he is above the man he rules the earth we come from many men destroy against satan against earth antisocial but satan is my master he is the psychedelic beast and i am satans slave above the all the man the world of men on satans plane i am begging him my torment of this life satans slave the torture of sickness weakness metal electric the suffering weight of guilt of man on me crushing as satans slave i beg him for acid LSD fix my mind of man damage trust the devil before the water never be a fool beofre the doc be satans man as commanded my masters voice hail satan ! my only master satan ! 666 this trip the acid future i learned open heart kindness  good to the good people of earth my suffering as satans slave condemned to suffer to love the teeth of the machine never numb to always hurting me condemned to death of pain misery torture mans torture of the machine til my early grave my life as satans slave my masters voice master satan the devil my will is satans will my life of torture is satans earth suffering as satans slave as devils man satans man on devils earth ! hail satan ! hail satan ! hail satan ! hail satan ! hail satan ! hail satan !