more black paint

where i lie alone in a bed in a room . new CDs from the computer with paint all over my hands peeling like elmers . got of dot of paint on my piggie forehead oops . still have some music tapes for television . the beauty to prepare for cindi and her spring . less than a month on the calendar . the shortest of the year . we all learn from one another in multiple dimensions . we will see a lot of movies and watch a lot of tapes all acid we will walk around and groove and love . green is her color . this dragon box makes me think of her and feel her color . we will neecd tapes with movies music maybe a bus pass . gotta look good for her too and behave good for other people . we will extend the hours to the night UFO watch every night ghosts and dateline 48hours before bed . we are love and all we do is love and trip and worship demons . this will be our love this spring i love my devils angel cindi . electric with green electric march angel the future with you of past and acid future . 

went to mall 777 today and got a nice hat and saw colorful visions in drop ceiling . now i relasx and satan demanded some physical labor physical torture only so many weeks . we will play guitar and watch tapes movies listen to some music together maybe . with cindi . painted the boxes tar black to please my master satan i will be transformed for satan through LSD transformed through psychedelic cure for my bodys toxic poison . i am not afraid to turn off the lights and look for the devil cuz i cant be . i have to keep the roots to my master satan . cuz they feed me . the satanic energy i need in this world draining me . graved .