
hiding strong signals in the music using the radio rock stations within syllables of words sine sounds within matching syllables from the rock music stations . could be related to anything in distorted substance the signals used to trigger sensitive technology from midcentury . people on this earth disappear and only human deduction will be left to scrutenize . no one will be left in the hands holding . fifteen months of cell mobile phone connection after the last known .

neighboring dimension produces candy lifesavers hard candy containing LSD and similar psychedelic chemicals for spiritual use and fancy these come from kmart convenience corner stores six PM or later on monday evenings when power return strong missing personality of the people not returned from long out of this world alien journey and abandoned . sine signals from this intentional radio feature not to be ignored or inconsequential uncontrolled audio remains detected on radio frequency receiver more than capable with corresponding organics with receiver radio translator changing radio sine signals to blood chemistry and chemical disperse as it relates . the radio can transmit beyond making such a very small reality .

neighboring reality of LSD acid mushroom freedom . still packed passed as distraction military police state very close travel is a wind travel where weather determines the shape of the wind injected on the waves can be conversation senses magickal awakenings or by satan as satans man on devils earth it doesnt take no connection so unlikely the power of satan is satans power inverse to human weakness the energy attractive to the lingering dead all generated by radio and the sine signals produced more than just specific radio signal but electrical technology running electrcity through . alternating current green electrical boxes .