
thank you satan for this trip . thank you satan for this torture . i have visions of a purple room with grapes .... indigo-blue mural of the night sky . translucent pink curtains . but the windoww is painted onn .

satanic self

my satanic self is somewhere in between my split selves . i did not try to split them i dont know how they became pulled apart . i learnt 2 much .

rabbits .. rabbits .. everywhere !

noo onne cudd get theeirr storry str8 so i lefft themm t the elementts of SATANSS PLANNE ....,. wlked awayy frumm thaa mountainns ... FREEDOO ..,. whyy mee ...,. CUTT CUT CUTTT !!!! wilde worldee of thiss mann for fivee yearrs lesss thann fivee ... do i knoow anyy moree ..,. in hell .!.. lett me go ONE MINUTTE ...,. 

listenn upp ^^^ forr the commandds .. i amm his dogg ... imm  satanns slavve ...,,.  i listtenn to hiss demmandds and i havve no choiice i havve no thouught no egoo .. NO MORRE EGO .. he hass to keep mentionningg ... if i sufferrr moree i will cutt my stomamche outt of my bodyy liquid mercury ,,,.

hey satann

I NEVVERR FEEL ALLONEE .../...///..////.....satanns messages : imm beeingg torturredd .... butt ressist the tortture .. NO i am channginng my minnd channging the pathwayys formming arrounnd SATANSS COMMANDSS .  he sayss do thiss and i do thiss .



immwatcching thee siignns of sattannn


twoo orr somm dayys agooo me n my gf openned amagickk porttal psychedelicc satannic ... strtd withh regullarr rituall ,,. we litt da candlless ... timme wennt byy inn the magickk powerr hijackked by  it .

i gott v sickk frumm thaa forcce ,, . , we clooseed tha rituall andd im betterr afterr .. butt wee cann feel thee xtremme energyy surrooundd uss .

we  leavve and on da wayy downn hill ,., thee landd reachhed outt anf grabbd my gf foot ,, shee camme forrwardd almoost fallingg downn the hill ... all wass good ,,. she caughtt hersellf .

assoonn ass we ste^pp intoo da street we hearr VERRY CLOSE thee sounnd off a womman SCREAAMINNG ...,.. sounnding like help but nott sayyingg words like AAAAH ! AAAH ! AAAAAAHHH !! AHHH !! andd wee stopp lookk arouund therress noo onee arooundd ...   we keep goiing ...,. the screaamiing stopps ... maybbe three minss latere wwe hearr v cloose coyotes a packk all cryiing and callingg to thee moonn ,, VERRY CLOOSE .. 

at thaa ennd we splitt off i turnn arouund to retracces thee pathh
alonne éé nott farr intoo it ,, i see smll dogg (coyotee prob) walkk
across street ontoo thaa patth fronnt f  me .. face me and stop
. watiing forr me .. 

i turnn quiccklly !!! to finnd my gf wee meet togetther awayy frumm themm andd tryy to deciide wat to do ... wee sayy ,, letss go backk togethher the pathh nnn as we aree aboutt to a veryyy thiick clouud foogg (muchh moree thann thee immage)) descennded SUDDENLYYY , vissibilitty jusst twoo metterrs .. fatte tellingg uss not to go backk .. we wentt âwayy !!!! thisss wass twoo dayyss agoo maybbe threee .  

happy auttumnn ...,. enertgyy hass shifftedd .. stagnattionn of summerr iss OVERR .., FATE andd MAGICKK influenncinngg uss ...

definite e ressultts

satann my onnly masster .... thiss iss the commannd of sattann ...
my boddy destrroyedd ,,,., egoo destrroyeed ,,. bodyy is the egoo
withh less egoo less boddyy


his voicee loudd and CLEARR . thankk you sattan for thiss liffe off torutture ... thannk youu forr thiss trrrippe .. will nott be eassy but is dictatedd by ,u,my masster .. CLEARR is parrtt of the vission .... whitee bluee ... connecctingg fo thto the bluee awakkenningg . 

my body is corrupptedd . onlly satann hass thee curree . no humanss knoww the curre like my massterr . imustt be empttty to emppty my EGO ... hthe egoo cannot shriinkk frumm consummptionn .. noww im waittingg .. thatt iss my siggn to owowrshipp thee devill .


too loongg ... ivee been swimminng in accidee